August 2019

                2019 VBS                                Good Shepherd Church                          Sunny Foundation


Dear Friends


Hope and pray you are doing well in this warm summer weather.

Greetings to you from Rainbow family in the name of our Lord.

Like last year, Pastor Young Park from Ilshin Presbyterian Church and their youth group, have visited us and have prepared a VBS program for three days. I would like to genuinely thank the elders, deacons, Pastor Ahn and his wife, and many others for spreading the love of Christ and teaching our RFI children the gospel.

Pastor Hyun Kim from Torrance Good Shepherd Church elder Won and his wife, and other church leaders come to visit and have provided us with warm encouragement and love. I would like to thank the church for providing us with prayers and support for over 15 years. I thank God for their compassion.

The director and members from our long time supporter Sunny foundation have visited our RFI Summer School Program. They have volunteered their time and have provided the kids and the volunteering staff with delicious meal. How joyful must the Lord be to see their unfailing passion. Thank you so much!

I would like to thank director Lim Jung Hwa of Livingstone and their volunteers for providing us with prayers andsupport during the month of July.

I would like to thank director Lim and the volunteers from the bottom of my heart.

This summer,working with the 25 students that live in great hardships, Rainbow summer school has been an arduous task and I must admit there are times when I suffer both physically and emotionally. However in the midst of all the people in the world, I am thankful to the point of tears that as a lacking person as I am and Pastor Yun Park have been assigned to share his love and gospel. And through doing his will, Lord gave us a compassionate hearts that ultimately overcame our weakness Praise the Lord!!. 

Through your Love and faithful giving and commitments, may the Lord be glorified and praised!!

Isaiah 42:8

“I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”

I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and God bless you!

Because He lives,

Liz Lee





Director of RFI