Manse and her son Pastor Young Rainbow Family
Dear friends
How have you been doing? Desiring to live by the word of God, Rainbow Family is offering our monthly greetings.
I would like to introduce a family that has been sent to us last month: 18 year old single mother Manse and her one week old son, Jose. Living under a mother with severe drug addictions, Manse and her younger sister of two years lived very difficult lives. When Manse turned 7, her mother met a new boyfriend and left both Manse and her younger sister. She lived in several foster homes for more than 10years in which she also was separated with her sister. After few years later she was arrested and in and out of Detention centers. Having no one to lean on, she told us that she found comfort in her gang friends as they treated her like family. Having met her boyfriend in the gang, she was susceptible to physical abuse and even participated in theft and prostitution. Unfortunately, because all of the events that went around in her life, she was unable to even grade from middle school. After the father of her son went to jail, Manse went to her moms home ask for help but she wasn’t welcome . Through introduction of our Rainbow Family, Manse brought her newly born son and have been part of our Rainbow Family ever since. She was glad and stated that she would have come here earlier if she had known such a place existed. Desperate for love that she had been starving, Manse cries with overwhelming thanks when I ask simple questions like did you sleep well? Did you eat?
I pray and ask for support so that Manse and Jose will be able to succeed and be healed by the love of God.
Rainbow Family Residence and Rainbow after school members areincreasing and we are having trouble keeping up with the monthly financial obligations that are involved with maintenance and living costs. We are heavily relying on God, and friends like you for prayers and support. Thank you!!
You will be able to sponsor one family for $500.
I would like to genuinely thank our friends for donating, whether in large or small amounts, and for praying for our Rainbow Family.
Pastor Young Tae Kim from Mission 3:18 church and his wife have visited us and brought us a delightful lunch. I would like to thank the church members and the pastor and his wife for always being a source of encouragement to our single mothers and their children.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.
Because He lives,
Liz Lee / Director of RFI