Bella,s Family Sung Joon Ku and MOM Maranatha prayer group
Dear friends,
I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.
Trying our best to live by the word and under the Lord’s grace, Rainbow Family offers our monthly greetings.
Bella, who has opened her heart to us and to the Lord, has been with us for the past 1year and 6 months.
She has been attending Cypress College where she majors in Social Studies Through her hard work and dedication, she received good grades. A professor who noticed her efforts introduced her to a job. Now she has a jab and is still continuing to take classes. As she was free from drug addiction for more than a year, we gained the confidence to recommend her to the state Housing. Upon receiving an apartment for her and her four children, they have move on thanking the Lord, Steel coming every Sunday to have church service with us. Because of loving friends like you, we were able to reap such beautiful fruits.
We are genuinely thankful for all the donations, both big and small, and the prayers that you have provided us with. We bow our head in thanksgiving for the cooperation of various churches, prayers and love from various ministries, and the material donations. I give all the glory to the living and faithful Lord.
Sung Joon, who when was Elementary student he came to Volunteer one summer at the Rainbow Home, has already gone to 11th grade. He shared that the love he felt from our Rainbow Family is something that is always in his memories. Sung Joon, who likes being creative, used his gift to design T-shirts. He then gave us the funds as a donation that he raised from selling the shirts. I am grateful for his beautiful heart.
I have recently met again with the Beautiful ladies from Maranatha prayer group. During Christmas when they showered our children with gifts. In our fellowship, we decided to continually work hand and hand for our neighbors in need. I believe that the holy spirit that resides in these beautiful women will be put to great use for the Kingdom. Hallelujah!!
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans
and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and God bless you!
Because He lives,
Liz Lee
Director of RFI