Dalvi Family Malisa and Asher Genevi
Dear Friends,
How are you during these difficult times?
I pray with all my heart that the Lord’s encouragement and peace is always with you.
Thankful for God’s grace, Rainbow Family offers our greetings to you and yours.
I would like to introduce a new family that joined us last month : 24 year old single mother Dalvi and her cute 2 year old son, Renzo. Dalvi shared that she was born to a mother with alcohol addiction and a father who she never met. She has a younger brother who passed away long ago. She also lost her mother in the year she turned 16 as her mother was driving the car in an intoxicated state. Unable to hold back her tears, Dalvi shares she was the only one who survived the accident. All alone in the world, Dalvi found comfort in drugs and working for Dating Services. She met her baby’s father, who is Japanese, was also a drug addict. She was drawn to church as she started to believe in Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross for her sins. It was there that she met a good church friend who introduced her to Rainbow Family. We ask for prayers and support for Dalvi and Renzo.
Malisa, who has been with us for 7 months now, gave birth to a 7.5ound baby boy, Asher. Pastor Soo il Hyun and Elder Oh stopped by and provided warm words of encouragement and a gift card to purchase baby products. I genuinely thank the both Men for their love and care.
Veronica, who helps manage Rainbow Family with us, joined us when her daughter Genevi was 11 years old. When she came to Rainbow whit her mother and two younger siblings turned 17 this year. Genevi has a talent for art and is being taught at an art academy that is run by Director Jung Hwa Lim. As she prepares to enter art college next year, we ask for your prayers and support as she pursues her aspirations.
We are so grateful for all the donations and support that we have received from donors, supporters, volunteer groups, and churches during this difficult time. We praise the Lord with tears who makes miracles happen and who allows our supporters to show the world the abundance and blessings in the kingdom of God.
Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called
According to his purpose.”
I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.
Because He lives,
Liz Lee
Director of RFI.