Erika & Matthew RFI summer school True Happiness Church
Dear Friends
Hallelujah!!!I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.
Pursuing a new life in Christ provided by His grace and your love, Rainbow Family offers our greetings.
The family that was sent to us last month is 32 year old6 months pregnantsingle mother Erika, and her cute one year old son, Matthew. Due to her addiction Erika has gone through continuous trial and she delivered her son Matthew in a shelter while the father of her son was imprisoned. Erika was without relatives and close family members since was very young therefore her son’s father became her whole world when he showed her care and affection. Few months ago he was incarcerated again and left her and her son homeless. She firmly decided that she is going to continue living her life without him, after she was introduce to the bible and accepting Christ as her Savior, Erika is slowly becoming brighter and happier after being assured that the Lord will never forsake her or leave her.
As loneliness is the source of many issues, I believe the promise of His consistent love is the driving force that helps our mothers during their rehabilitation process. With a look of puzzlement, Erika asks me a question. She wondered why I was carrying and sharing the burden and pressure of people I have never seen or known. I answered that it is because we are one family in Christ and thus ultimate citizens of heaven. I genuinely ask for support and prayers so that Erika may effectively participate in the rehabilitation program and that she will be allowed a smooth delivery.
I would like to introduce Pastor Sanho Lee of True Happiness Churchin Las Vegas who serves our ministry through means of donations and prayers. Abounding with love, the pastor and his wife and the congregants of that church have traveled far and helped us organize the garage. We spent a lovely time together as we interacted and shared many great Conversations and encouragement. I would like to thank them for their love and compassion.
2018 RFI summer school will start in June 4th and will likely continue for about two and a half months. The summer school program that will support about 25-30Students of low income single mothers families so that they are still able to continue working. We show the students God’s love and train them with the word of God. In addition, to widen their view and experience of the world, we take them to a lot of different places. They are also provided music and art therapy in which we hope to raise their self-esteem so that they will have confidence in breaking free from their unfortunate environments. Lastly, we provide them with breakfast and lunch so that the pressure on the parents will be less. Through the Rainbow Family summer and after School Program, which has been continuing for the last 6 years, I wish for the next generation to soundly grow together for a better and faithful society.
“He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.”
I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and
God bless you!
Because He lives,
Liz Lee / Director of RFI