Online school Richard 13th birthday Family vacation
Dear Friends Hallelujah!!
I wish peace and health to all our supporters who are under the grace of the Lord, who transcends all difficult circumstances. Healing from the Lord’s grace and from the Word of God, Rainbow Family offers our monthly greetings in the name of the Lord.
Starting from August Centralia Elementary School, Orange view Middle School, Western High School, and Cypress College have started their fall semesters. At our home, both the mothers and children are studying hard from 9 am to 2 pm. Being able to see their enthusiasm and provide them with the hope of new life makes me swell up tears in thanksgiving to the Lord and our supporters.
I thank the Lord our father, who uses Rainbow family ministry to be a home for them. Once again I give my praise to Jesus Christ and dedicate my life to serve him.
I want to do something for our family who stuck at home for so long so we went on a trip for 2 nights and 3 days. We rode a boat alongside the river. We offered endless praise to the Lord for our wonderful experience. I also believe that through this experience our friendship has gotten stronger.
Last month, Members from the mountaineering club came to visited us with offering. Thank you!!
As we were selected as a target community by the Korean Gospel Broadcasting Station of USA, we received generous contribution. We sincerely thank the president and the staff of the Korean Gospel Broadcasting Station of USA.
Rainbow Family has been my family for the last 18 years. Through the grace of God I received the heart of the Lord and I feel happy when my family feels happy and feel pain when they are in pain. I want to protect them with the Gospel and keep these doors open for the lost and the least until the Lord comes.
RFI continuously giveaway food and living supply to the RFI school children and other under privilege families who lives in the Motel.
Please help us. Thank you very much.
To the supporters who thank the Lord’s grace and serve your neighbors, I pray and bless that above your family, church, business, and ministry, the Lord’s grace and blessings will always be by your side.
Because He lives
Liz Lee
Director of RFI