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March 2023

         Brook’’s family                 Rinzo’s Birthday                    Ashley’’s family


Dear friends


How are you during this season of harsh weather changes?

Striving to live by the Word and the Lord’s grace, Rainbow Family is offering our monthly greetings.

I would like to introduce a new family that joined us: 31 year old single mother Brooke and her 6 year old son, CJ. Brooke was born in California and was working when she met CJ’s father who immigrated from Africa. Unfortunately, CJ’s father often physically assaulted Brooke in front of CJ. There were times he assaulted her so violently that she would be dripping blood from her wounds. For the sake of her son, Brooke did not want to leave the relationship. However, she was forced to leave and relocate to live with her mother and brother. But, after she saw her brother hit CJ, she called the cops and left to search for a new place to live. It was then that she was introduced to our Rainbow Family. We ask for prayers and monetary support to help Brooke move forward in her life and CJ to heal from his hurt. Thank you so much. 

Darby’s son Rinzo who has been with us for 6 months turned 2 years old. We celebrated his birthday at the park and had a great time. We pray for prayers and support to help him have a bright future. Thank you. 

Ashley had lost two of her sons to the government protection agency and was only able to meet one of her sons. However, we are so grateful to the Lord as starting from last week she got her two sons back. I pray that the Lord will shine their paths. 

We are genuinely thankful for all the donations that our supporters send, whether big or small. We are grateful for the prayers and for having us in your hearts. We bow our heads in thanksgiving for the love, prayers, material support from you, the church, and many men and women missionaries who work in cooperation for the Lord. 



“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans

and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and God bless you!

Because He lives,


Liz Lee

Director of RFI


June 2022

       Jennifer Family            Korean Gospel Broadcasting        Walk-A-Thon 2022

 Dear Friends,


I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.

Living in the grace of the Lord with a grateful heart, Rainbow Family offers our monthly greetings.

I would like to introduce 23 year-old single mother Jennifer, her 4 year-old daughter Gorgeous and 3 year-old daughter Annette. Jennifer lost her father as a young girl and lived with her working mother and 2 older sisters. After the sisters grew up, they left home and Jennifer went through puberty alone and met friends that got her involved in many bad incidents. The children’s father is in prison and although the children are currently in foster care, we received permission for Jennifer to spend the weekends with the children. Through Bible study, Jennifer repents her old life as she is coming to know the love of God. We ask for your prayers and support so that Jennifer’s family can live together at the Rainbow Family Home soon. Thank You.

I have thankful and good news to share. Korean Gospel Broadcasting Network is held a public fundraising event to help missionaries and support mission centers. Rainbow Family Home was selected by the First Penguin and we received a grant of $5000. We believe that the good deeds at the Korean Gospel Broadcasting Network pleases the Lord and we will work harder to share to our neighbors in need the love and support of God. Thank you!!

On May 28th, we had our annual Walk-A-Thon. A long time friend Director Jeonghwa Lim’s volunteer group parents visited us with monetary donations and food. With one heart, we walked 50 blocks and shared a wonderful lunch. 

We would like to express our special thanks to all of you who have become our Walk-A-Thon sponsors.

We believe that the Lord opens a new life for those who are marginalized in society and grants the best conditions to reign victorious. All thanks and glory to the loving Lord. Your hard work and giving has opened the door to heaven, and we believe and pray that we can achieve a society on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you. 

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.

Because He lives,


Liz Lee Director of RFI


March 2015

03-15        Valentine’s Day                   TBN Studios              Youngnak Celebration Church

 Dear Friends,


Happy Lunar New Year! I pray that the Lord will bless you and show His glory in all the things that you do in your home and in your workplace. This is the year of the lamb, and in that mindset, Rainbow Family strives to be like a lamb and show obedience to God.

Esther Suh and Esther Bae from Youngnak Celebration Church came to the home to plan an aftercare program for the young mothers graduating the Rainbow Family Rehab Program. We talked about many things, and prayed for the future of the ministry; it was a wonderful fellowship and a great day for us.

The Rainbow School children are getting brighter, healthier, and happier every day. Valentine’s Day was not a holiday that these children were used to celebrating due to growing up in single-parent households, but this year we had a wonderful event where we shared a Valentine’s cake and the kids made Valentine’s gifts for their mothers in art class. They also took heart-shaped boxes of chocolate home. I thank God for Mrs. Chung for teaching RFM’s art class for the past few years and helping to build the confidence of the children, the Living Stone Community Volunteer Program Director Mrs. Lim, and all of the young volunteers who share their time and effort with us.

We recently had a field trip to TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) Studios. The studio had a room with piles of prayer requests, and the Rainbow Family laid hands on them and prayed for them. We give glory to our God who listens to our prayers.

Our facilities are currently too small to allow for adequate space for both the Rainbow Family Rehab and the After School and Summer School Programs. We are planning the construction of an additional 1,600 square foot space for our building and have acquired the necessary permits, but we need your financial help desperately. Won’t you help me to help the community at need?

Chronicles 4:10

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.”

I pray that God would bless richly your church, home, business and ministry and that His mighty power be with you always.

Because He lives,




Liz Lee, Director of RFM

3 월달 편지 2015

03-15        사랑의날                         TBN 방송국 방문                 영락 살라브레숀 교회 방문



까치 까치 설날은 어저께고요 우리 우리 설날은 오늘 이래요.

2015년에도 후원자님의 삶과 가정 그리고 모든하시는 일 위에 주님의 영광이 늘 함께 하시기를 기도 드립니다. 올해도 양같이 순종하며 주님이 주시는 꿈을 가지고 무지개 가족은 후원자님과 함께 앞만 보며 달리겠습니다.

 영락 살라브레숀 교회를 섬기는 에스더서 와 에스더배가 선교원 졸업생들을 위한 애프터 케어를 계획하며 방문하여 주었습니다. 많은 사역의 절차를 의논하며 소망의 찬 하루를 보냈습니다.

 무지개 스쿨 어린이들은 여전히 주님의 품속에서 매일 주님의 사랑을 먹으며 열심히 뛰어 놀며 자라고 있습니다. 저희 어린이들에게 사랑의 날은 편모 가정에서 경험하지 못하는 생소한 풍습입니다.

그날 어린이들은 하트 모양으로된 케익을 나누고 미술시간에 만든 엄마에게 드릴 선물과 하트모양의 초코렛 박스를 집에 가지고 갈 수가 있었습니다.

늘 수고해 주시는 정보경 선생님과 무지개 스쿨 어린이들에게 악기와 수학과 영어를 가르처 주시는 리빙스턴 봉사단 임정화 원장님과 그리고 봉사하시는 모든 젊은이들에게 진심으로 감사를 드립니다.

 리빙스턴 봉사자들과 TBN 방송국에 견학을 다녀왔습니다. 그날 봉사단과 무지개 어린이들 그리고 선교원 식구들 모두 그곳에 싸여 있는 기도 제목들위에 손을 얻고 그들을 위해 기도드렸습니다.

기도를 받으신 주님께 모든영광을 돌립니다..

 선교원의 작은 공간에서 무지개 스쿨어린이들의 소음으로 인하여 갓난아이들이 잠을 못자고 또한 엄마들도 재활 교육 공부와 일상 생활에 많은 어려움을 매일 격고 있습니다

모텔에서 생활하고있는 아이들을 위하여 무료로 제공하고있는 애프터스쿨과 편모가정 재활사역을 함께 지속하려면 45평 가량 (ABOUT 1600 SQUARE-FOOT) 의 건물 증축이 절실히 필요합니다. 선교원 건물의 확장을 위하여 후원자님께 도움을 청하오니 어려운 이웃을 도울 수 있도록 저를 도와 주세요


“야베스가 이스라엘 하나님께 아뢰어 이르되 주께서 내게 복을 주시려거든 나의 지경을 넓히시고 주의 손으로 나를 도우사 나로 환난을 벗어나 내게 근심이 없게 하옵소서 하였더니 하나님이 그가 구하는것을허락하셨더라”

주님의 크신 은혜에 감사하시며 이웃을 섬기시는 후원자님의 가정과 교회, 사업과 사역위에 늘 함께 하시기를 기도드리며 축복 합니다.

 사랑의 빛진자




이지혜 / Liz Lee   무지개 가족 선교회 대표 드림