Category Archives: Monthly Newletter

July 2024

        Estella Family             Las Vegas True Love Church        Fila Volunteer group


Dear Friends

May you have a beautiful July, blooming like the wildflowers of early summer, wrapped in the love of our Lord. Rainbow Family sends warm greetings.

Allow me to introduce Estella, a 32-year-old mother who recently became part of our Korean family. She has three children: Delaine (11), Daelin (8), and Dillian (7). Estella was born in California to Mexican parents. She struggled with addiction herself and faced domestic violence. After her husband was incarcerated, their three children were taken away by government agencies. With a heavy heart, Estella lived with her mother until she heard about Rainbow Family Mission Center. When she learned that we support families facing similar challenges, she came to us, and we were able to reunite her with her children. We are grateful for your support and prayers. Rainbow Family Mission, established through your generosity, is opening new paths for families in need, even those who feel abandoned. We do this in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you.

Last month, our mission families were invited by True Love Church in Las Vegas. We spent three joyful nights and four days there. Witnessing the love shared by the pastor, elders, and all the church members, we glimpsed heaven’s love—a love that transcends worldly boundaries.

On the second Saturday of last month, the Young Leaders of America (Fila) volunteer group visited us. They shared lunch with our marginalized children, played games, and spent a delightful Saturday afternoon. We sincerely thank all the volunteers and their leaders.

Isaiah 61:3
“And provide for those who grieve in Zion- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.

Because He lives,

Liz Lee / Director of RFI

June 2024

    Birthday party                       Walkathon 2024                  Sunny Foundation

Dear Friends, 


I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.

Living in the grace of the Lord with a grateful heart, Rainbow Family offers our monthly greetings.

There was a Walkathon event on May 18th.

Emmanuel Baptist Church’s evangelist Choi Jeong, who has been a long-time sponsor, along with Brandon Byun and the youth group, and the graduated families, brought sponsorship money and food. We became one with the Rainbow Family, walked 50 blocks safely, returned, had a delicious lunch, and had a good time together. We especially thank all of you who became sponsors of the Walkathon during these difficult times.

Jackie’s daughter, Evelyn, who has been living with us for six months, turned five. We had a happy birthday party for cute Evelyn in the park and had a fun day.

Already, for over 20 years, the members of the Sunny Foundation, who have been sponsoring the mission with one heart. made a delicious dinner and treated the missionary family. We sincerely thank them for their love.

We believe that the Lord opens a new life for those who are marginalized in society and allows the best conditions to win. We give all thanks and glory to the loving Lord. We believe and pray that your prayers and efforts will open the gates of heaven, and that the society living together will be realized on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you.


Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.


Because He lives,

Liz Lee Director of RFI


May 2024

            Young Leaders of America                     Rainbow Family Children

Dear Friends,


I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.

We, the Rainbow Family, send you greetings with a grateful heart in the grace of the Lord.

During the last Easter, mothers hid eggs and gifts inside and outside the house, teaching the children that those who seek shall find, in the name of Jesus, and those who find can possess the kingdom of heaven. We give thanks and praise to Jesus, who became hope for those without hope or possessions, and allowed those who lived without confidence because they had nothing, to become owners of eternal life, which is more precious than anything in this world. There are many churches that go on missions to the ends of the earth at great cost, but when we think about sponsors like you who support and pray for places like the Rainbow Family Ministry, which works to improve society and create a crime-free society in the land of America, we are so grateful. We believe that the Lord’s great blessings will always be with you.

On Saturday, May 18th at 10 a.m., we will walk 50 blocks around the local area, starting from the Buena Park Rainbow Home for our annual Walkathon. It is planned to be used as the Rainbow Family’s expenses, so if you fill out the sponsorship form and send it with the sponsorship money, we will gratefully use it for ministry expenses.

The president of Young Leaders of America, Yoba Linda Group, Um Moon Jung, bought lots of delicious food and snacks that children love, share coffee with me and pastor park, she is going to come with their children to serve during the summer vacation. She is a very gentle and beautiful person, so it was a great comfort and we were grateful. Hallelujah!!

Mia and the children living in the mission attended the Huntington Beach Girls Softball League and had a joyful Saturday. Thanks to Mia’s mother, Adriana.

We sincerely thank you for the love of the Lord who governs us so that we can minister centered on the Word without receiving government subsidies, and for the ceaseless prayers and support of our sponsors

Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

To the supporters who thank the Lord’s grace and serve your neighbors, I pray and bless that above your family, church, business, and ministry, the Lord’s resurrection power that makes all things good and an army of angels will always be by your side. 


Because He lives,


Liz Lee / Director of RFI


April 2024

        Terry’s Family        Torrance Good Shepherd Church        Alisha’s Family        
Dear Friends, 


I hope and pray all is well with you and yours. The abundantly sprouting buds and the blooming flowers seem to be joining us in the praise of our Lord’s resurrection.

Last month, we welcomed Terry, a 42-year-old single mother, into our family. Born in Orange County, Terry was raising her children with her husband while working. However, after her husband’s addiction became her own, they faced many problems and separated. She met another man and lived with her children, but she couldn’t stand his abuse of the children. She tried to leave several times but had nowhere to go. She was introduced to the Rainbow Family and became a part of our family. She is sincerely grateful for accepting her and her three children and is living her life. 

We ask for your prayers and support for Terry’s family. Thank you.

The Rainbow Family Home was visited by Pastor Lee Seung-hyuk and his wife, Deacon Yoon Sung-won, and Deaconess Yang Hwa-kyung from the Good Shepherd Church in Torrance, who are our sponsors and friend. They brought necessary living supplies and we had a good meeting and fellowship. Thank you for your love,

Last month, we welcomed Alisha, a 28-year-old single mother, and her 5-year-old daughter, Isabel, into our family. Alisha, who had been struggling with drug addiction for several years, lost her daughter Isabel to child protection services. During this time of great heartache, she was introduced to the Rainbow Family Home where she could live with her daughter. We ask for your prayers and support for the future of this mother and daughter. Thank you.

Last month, we were thankfully selected for the Sharing On Campaign by the Korean Gospel Broadcasting Corporation and received a donation of $5000. We will use it wisely for our needy neighbors. 

We believe that the Lord will infinitely bless all the work done by the Korean Gospel Broadcasting Corporation.

At this complicated and heartbreaking time, the Lord is protecting us as we set ourselves apart from the world through prayer and faith. Even during these times, I realize the Lord’s providence as he allows his people to keep their faith and serve their neighbors. I give thanks as I hope for a victorious life in Him.


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”

To the supporters who thank the Lord’s grace and serve your neighbors, I pray and bless that above your family, church, business, and ministry, the Lord’s resurrection power that makes all things good and an army of angels will always be by your side. 

 Because He lives,


Liz Lee Director of RFI

March 2024

     Young Leaders of America         Jackie’s Family  Torrance Good Shepherd Church 

“Praise the Risen Lord!!”

Dear friends


 How are you during this season of harsh weather changes?

Striving to live by the Word and the Lord’s grace, Rainbow Family is offering our monthly greetings.

 Our friend, the president of the Young Leaders of America group, brought many daily necessities and snacks that children love, thanks to the many parents.

We thank you once again for your helping hand and prayers over the years.

 Last month, we welcomed new family members: 31-year-old single mother Jackie, her 10-year-old daughter Elena, and 5-year-old Evelyn. Jackie was born in Mexico and grew up in the United States from the age of 4. She graduated from high school and thought she was happy when she met the father of her children, but her husband’s drug addiction became her own, and she had to leave her two daughters with their grandmother. However, she did not lose hope. Although the Bible is new to her at the Rainbow Mission, her hard work is very lovely. We are praying earnestly for her to completely turn away from the world and become a new creation. We ask for your prayers and support.

Long time supporter and friend Good Shepherd Church Pastor Lee Seung-hyuk and Deacon Yoon Sung-won, visited the mission center with their deacons and living supply and food for the moms and children.

We had a beautiful fellowship and shared God’s grace. We thank them for their interest and love.

 We are genuinely thankful for all the donations that our supporters send, whether big or small. We are grateful for the prayers and for having us in your hearts. We bow our heads in thanksgiving for the love, prayers, material support from you, the church, and many men and women missions who work in cooperation for the Lord.


“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans

and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

 I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and God bless you!

Because He lives,


 Liz Lee / CEO of RFI


February 2024

         Sara’s Family                   Adriana’s Family  Christian Ethics Practice Movement

Dear, Friends.


How are you during this season of weather changes? 

Seeking a new life in the Lord’s love and grace, Rainbow Family is offering our Lunar new year greetings

Last month, we welcomed a new family member, 27-year-old single mother Sara and her 3-year-old daughter Penelope. Sara was born in California and grew up in a foster home after her parents divorced. She has no siblings and has always felt lonely and struggled to have hope. She was overjoyed to give birth to her daughter, but the baby’s father did not want them, and she became alone again. She spent nearly a year at the Orange County Rescue Mission, unable to work or go to school. She passed her GED and wants to continue studying at a university. 

The Rainbow Family Mission and I are praying to help her family. We ask for your sponsorship and prayers.

We introduce 43-year-old single mother Adriana and her 6-year-old daughter Mia. Adriana has made many mistakes in her life and spent more than 10 years in prison. She has other children besides Mia, but currently, Mia is the only child she can take care of. Seeing her working hard and trying to live a good life, we are reminded once again that a life in Christ can change her thoughts and future. We are doing our best to show that the love of Christians is more precious than anything in the world. Please help us. Thank you!!

Pastor Hyun Soo-il, the representative of the Christian Ethics Practice Movement, always helps the mission with all his heart. We respect his heart and passion for practicing the. We thank the Lord for the pastor and all the work done by the Christian Ethics Practice Movement. We believe that the Lord will bless all their work.

With the grace of the Lord and the prayers and material support of our sponsors, the Rainbow Family Mission, which was miraculously established, has become a true refuge. We ask you to become a co-worker through prayer and sponsorship so that many wounded and marginalized souls can be healed by the beautiful love of the Lord. Thank you!!


Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

To the supporters who thank the Lord’s grace and serve your neighbors, I pray and bless that above your family, church, business, and ministry, I pray in Love the Lord’s grace and peace will always be with you. 


Because he lives.


Liz Lee / CEO

Rainbow family Inc.


January 2024

 ission Community Church          2023 Christmas               Donated a wonderful car

Happy New Year!!

Dear friends,  Hallelujah!!

We, the Rainbow Family, who are grateful for the Lord’s infinite love and grace, offer our New Year’s bow as we welcome the new year.

Even this Christmas, we experienced the Lord’s love and blessings poured out through our unwavering sponsor, various churches and organizations, and all of you who are grateful. We give thanks for the Lord’s great and wide river-like grace and look forward to the Lord’s plan for us in 2024.

The Christmas event in 2023 started with the grace-filled sermon and praise worship of Pastor Joe ES Park of Il-shin Presbyterian Church, and it was the Lord’s abundant birthday party where we ate and drank delicious food prepared by the small group of Grace Church. We sincerely thank you.

For the past 20 years, as always, the victorious Rainbow Home graduates and their families, and over 60 struggling families in our neighborhood, came to receive gifts, but thanks to the great love and support of various churches and sponsors who helped us especially, no one went back without a gift. We praise the Lord who always bestows the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, and His ability and love. Hallelujah!!

Long-time sponsors, the Mission Community Church Rainbow group, brought us essential items for long-term use. How great a joy it is for those who have nothing. Thank you.

We sincerely thank Deacon Dong-gil Kim of Il-shin Presbyterian Church, who has been sponsoring school supplies and backpacks for neighborhood children every year without change. We shed tears of gratitude for the miraculous ability of heaven that we experience every Christmas.

This year, in particular, at the age of 11 GG came in with her mother Veronica became members of Rainbow family, lived in a mission home during their childhood, studied hard, entered college, rode bicycles, and even took buses on rainy days. But the Lord heard our prayers our CPA, Mr. Paul Joo, donated a wonderful car, which not only supports us, but all the family members are very happy and thankful to the Lord. We give all the glory to the good Lord who answers our prayers. Thank you, thank you.

Isaiah 61:3 “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.”

We pray that the protection, hope, and peace of the Lord will always be with you who constantly provide to neighbors in need with outstretched arms. We bless that you will be filled with spiritual things of heaven and the fertile things of the earth. 

Because He lives,


Liz Lee

Director of RFI


December 2023

          Maria’s Family                  Union Church                Thanksgiving Dinner     

                Merry Christmas!!

Dear Friends   Hallelujah!!

I hope you are well in this suddenly chilly weather. We, the Rainbow Family, who are pursuing a new life in the grace of the Lord and being healed by His love, send you our greetings. We sincerely thank you for the love that the living Lord has poured out and your generous prayers and support throughout 2023.

I would like to introduce a family that was sent to us last month: 26-year-old Maria, and her 6-year-old daughter Melody. Maria became a part of the Rainbow Family through a church referral while she was struggling with many difficulties, including losing her daughter due to her baby’s father’s violence, having trouble finding a place to live, and only having two days of work per week. She is very grateful to the Lord for being able to get her daughter back and for becoming a part of the Rainbow Family. We ask for your prayers and support for them. Thank you.

R.F.I. former chairman Lee Soo-in started the Thanksgiving help for the needy years ago, and every year the Lord sends precious people to continue it. This year, thankfully, Pastor Hyun Soo-il and his wife, Elder Oh Tae-gyun, and the Men’s and Women’s Missionary Society of Union Church prepared several turkeys and ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal full of love and care, which were generously distributed to many families for a warm and happy Thanksgiving. For those families who could not come due to lack of transportation, we delivered turkeys and side dishes. We sincerely thank you for your beautiful love and support.

On Saturday, December 16th at 11:00 a.m., an annual event will be hosted where gifts and meals are distributed at the Rainbow Home. We would like to invite our friends who work with us to celebrate the birth of Jesus and his great mercy and grace.  I sincerely thank you for your beautiful love and support as I experienced the miracle of heaven coming to earth. 

The Rainbow Family children are writing letters to the Lord exchanging gifts, I definitely do not want to disappoint them. Please help me so that I will be able to provide gifts for our RFI families and the families who have graduated our program in previous years. Thank you!!

Let your light shine before men, and let them see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Just as this verse states, let others see the father’s faithfulness and love through your works as you help us during this Christmas event. 

Luke 2:14  

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

We pray and bless that the infinite joy of Christmas and the blessing of living hope will be abundant in our supporters’ families, businesses, and Ministries. 


Because He lives,


Liz Lee / Director of RFI


November 2023

         Chella’s Family                   Won Foundation               2023 Oct Walkathon

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Dear Friends,


I hope and pray all is well with you and yours.

Living in the grace of the Lord with a grateful heart, Rainbow Family offers our monthly greetings.

Last month, we welcomed a new family: 43-year-old Chella, born in California, her 9-year-old daughter Amanda, and her 5-year-old son Richard. Chella is a sister who has a masculine personality but always tries to live with a smile. When she was praying in tears without knowing where to go after being kicked out of the Orange Mission because of her unusual children, the Lord allowed her to meet someone who knew the contact information of the Rainbow Family home, and she was able to enter the Rainbow Family Home. 

The father of the children came out of prison and disappeared, and it was too hard for her to educate the children alone. The children are very unusual, but we can’t just scold them because they grew up in a bad environment, so we are embracing them with love.

We ask for your prayers and support for Chella’s family.

Representatives of the Won Foundation, Deaconess Won Mina and Assistant Park, brought delicious fried chicken and salad, French fries and had a joyful and happy time together over a delicious meal. 

We sincerely thank you for your prayers and loving support and bless you with all our hearts.

On October 28th, there was a Walkathon event. Pastor Hyun Soo Il, who has been serving and not sparing support for a long time, made a banner and brought it with Elder Oh Tae Kyun. The Rainbow Family walked safely back 50 blocks with one heart of gratitude and had a good time together while eating a delicious lunch. We would like to express our special thanks to all of you who have become sponsors of the Walkathon.

 Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I pray and bless that the grace and the blessing of peace will always be present in your families, churches, businesses, and ministries.


Because He lives,


Liz Lee

Director of RFI

October 2023

     Cynthia’s family            Las Vegas true love church          Elder young Shin      
Dear Friends                                   


I hope you are well. The Rainbow Family, who is healed in the grace of the Lord, enjoys freedom in the Word, and is filled with gratitude, sends greetings in the name of the Lord.

I would like to introduce 28-year-old Cynthia and her adorable 5-year-old daughter, Faith, who joined our family last month. Born in Mexico, Cynthia grew up with her grandmother and aunt after being separated from her parents at a young age. She attended school in the United States, but she still doesn’t know much about the country. Cynthia is a beautiful woman with a tender heart who wants to help others. She is hoping after receiving GED or her high school diploma she is determined to lead a normal life and work for her and child. We have prepared a computer for her and plan to continue supporting her. We ask for your prayers and support for Cynthia’s family. Thank you!! 

We had the opportunity to testify at the last Las Vegas True Love Church Sunday, and the congregations generous donated to the Rainbow Family. We are so grateful for their contribution. 

We are determined to join hands in the Lord and work hard for soul saving mission. Thank you!!

Shin Young-sook, elders of the church long-time friend of the mission, has a special love for the family living in the Rainbow home. This time, she prepared a delicious lunch and spent a long time with the family, sharing encouragement and love. We sincerely thank the Mrs. Shin’s family for their love and support.

On October 28, 2023, there will be a Rainbow Family Mission Walk A thon fundraising event. We ask for your prayers and support. Thank you!!


Romans 8:28

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called

According to his purpose.”


I pray that the power of resurrection of our Lord Jesus will be with you, your family, and your church always and God bless you!


Because He lives,


Liz Lee

Director of RFI