Mar. 20. 2016. 5pm |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Part 1 : Service
- Praise and worship – Seop Lee Kim & Becky Wood
- Welcoming - Rev. Hyun soo Kim
- Choir - Calvary Presbyterian Church
- Message – Rev. Jung chan Kim
- Offering – Rev. Elsie Benton
Part 2 : Concert
- I Love you Lord, 주를 가까이 함 - Karis
- 모두 감사해, 이 믿음 오직 - CTS Choir
- Romance – Anonimo, Nearer My God to Thee - Guitar 박선홍
- Hear and Now - Becky Woo
- The Father’s Song, Un Desteloo de Tu Glordia - Seop Lee Kim
- Every Move, As the Deer - RFI School Praise Team
- Finale Song - with Congregation - Seop Lee Kim
- Benediction - Rev. Dohwan Lee